Sun protection

Sun protection

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This task is about protection from the Sun.

Question Change answer

a)  On the boy draw and label four different things that he could put on or do to protect himself from the sun. 

Question 1Change answer

b)  Why do we need to protect ourselves from the sun?
Task administration: 
This resource can be completed using pencil and paper or online.
Description of task: 
Task: Label a picture with ways to protect ourselves from the Sun, and describe why we need to do so. Assessment focus: protection from the Sun's rays.

Y4 (12/1999)

a) Any 4 of (labelled or drawn):

  • sunglasses.
  • sun-hat.
  • extra clothes, e.g., t-shirt/trousers.
  • use sun-screen lotion.
  • sit in shade, e.g., under an umbrella.
  • shoes or socks (but not sandels or jandels).
  • any other acceptable answer.


4 correct – moderate

3 correct – easy

2 correct – very easy

1 correct – very easy 

b) Because the sun causes burning/skin cancer/melanoma/eye damage. easy
Diagnostic and formative information: 
Analysis of correct responses
a) 19% of students mentioned sunglasses.
75% of students mentioned sunhats.
79% of students mentioned extra clothes.
72% of students mentioned sun-screen lotion.
7% of students mentioned sitting in the shade.
46% of students mentioned shoes.