Water flow

Water flow

Pencil and paper
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This task is about investigating water flow and pressure.

How to do this task:

  • Collect a milk container and its top.
  • Fill the container with water. Put on the top. Put your fingers over the holes. Carry it on its side so that it doesn’t spill.
  • Set up the container with the holes facing away from the edge of the seat.
  • Remove the top and take your fingers away.
The water will begin to come out of the holes. On the diagram above draw how the water comes out of the three holes.
b) i)   
From which hole does the water travel further? ____________________
Why does water travel furthest from this hole?
c) i)
Now refill the bottle with water and do the experiment again, but this time have the top on the bottle.
Write down what happens.
Explain why the water flow is different from before.
Task administration: 
2 litre plastic milk container; water.
  • The milk containers should be made up prior to the activity.
  • The holes made should be about 3 mm in diameter.
  • The holes should be made 4, 8, and 12 cm from the base of the milk container.
  • You will need to designate an area where the experiment can be set up.
Description of task: 
For this practical students make observations on water flow from three holes set at different heights in a container. They also investigate the effect on water flow if the top is on or off the container.
Making Better Sense: 



Drawing shows

  • Water coming out from the three holes.
  • The water travels out further the closer the hole is to the bottom of the bottle.



The bottom hole.The pressure/weight of water and air is greatest above this hole, so it travels further.



The water doesn’t travel out of the holes as far.Because no air can get in to take the place of the water going out (vacuum).