Science Level 5 2016

This trial set has 3 tasks.
The questions in this set ask you to:
  • click on the right answer (sometimes click on the + near the question)
  • order pictures by clicking on each and dragging to the right place, or
  • select the right word from a drop down menu.

  1. Click on each task to complete it online.
  2. Click on START to begin.
  3. Click on the NEXT button to move to the next part of the task.
  4. If a question has a + next to it, click on the + to see your choices.
  5. Press the FINISH button after the last part of the task. When you have finished you can see your answers. 
  6. If your teacher has asked you to download or email the results, scroll down to the end of your results, and then click on the SHARE button. Enter your name and year level and click DOWNLOAD, or enter the email address, and click EMAIL.
  7. Close the task by clicking on CLOSE. This will take you back to the task list.
  8. Click onto the next task.