Students are provided with drawings of three methods to collect gases and the characteristics of four gases. Students match the gases with the method of collection that would need to be used.
Task: Demonstrate understanding of the pupil reflex of the eye, and apply this to answering questions about sunglasses safety. Extension questions probe understanding of who decides on and applies safety standards. Assessment focus: effect of UV light on the eyes and how it can be mediated by simple sunglasses technology.
Task: Use understandings about heat energy and insulation to describe how adaptations help Emperor penguins survive in Antarctica. Assessment focus: adaptations for keeping warm in cold conditions.
Task: Use pictures to identify special features of various fish and make predictions as to likely habitats based on these features. Assessment focus: purpose of adaptation in fish.
A bar graph showing the percentage of endangered species threatened by predation, competition, and/or habitat loss is given. Students use this graph to answer questions and explain the terms; predation, competition, and habitat loss.
Students explain the function of the veins, waxy layer of the upper surface of the leaf, how the shape of the leaf traps light energy and why the upper surface of the leaf is a darker green than the lower surface.
Task: Identify from an experiment the preferred living conditions of slaters, and use a fact file to suggest reasons why. Assessment focus: interpreting results of an investigation.
Students draw diagrams to show the particle arrangement in a solid, liquid, and a gas. Students then describe the differences in arrangement and movement of the particles for each of these states.