4 Probability number lines 0 Keywords: matchingplotting scalesprobability Students match verbal statements about a class with graphic scales which represent their statements. Preview
5 Garage plan 0 Keywords: lengthscale Students use a plan of a garage with a scale to calculate the actual length and width of the garage and a workbench inside it. Preview
5 Enlarging diagrams 0 Keywords: areaenlargementinvariant propertieslengthscalescale factor Students enlarge a diagram to a given scale. Preview
45 Distance and bearing 1 Keywords: bearingscompassdirectiondistancescale For this task students are required to record, in a table, the compass bearings of objects shown on a submarine radar screen. Distances from the submarine are also recorded. Preview
3 Island of Zazz 3 Keywords: distancemapsscaleshortest paths Students calculate the shortest distance between two points on a grid map by using a scale. Preview
4 Water level 2 Keywords: negative numbersnumber linesscale Students answer questions involving negative numbers about rising and falling water levels. Preview
3 Directions to food 6 Keywords: bearingscompassdirectionmapsscale Students are required to describe the compass direction and distance that an ant travels toward different items of food positioned on a grid. Preview
3 School map 4 Keywords: co-ordinatesmapsscale Students use a plan of the school and a scale to answer questions about length and distance of buildings and courts in the school. Preview
3 Treasure Island II 8 Keywords: co-ordinatesmapsscale Students identify distances and mark positions on a treasure map with a scale. Login to preview