5 Driving speed 3 Keywords: distancesratesspeedtime Students answer questions that require calculations with distance, time and speed. Preview
3 Lemonade and muffins 3 Keywords: multiplicationrates Students solve practical word problems. Preview
4 Walk to the beach 1 Keywords: distancesratesspeedtime Students answer questions about time and average speed given a rate of walking. Preview
4 Cycling trip 1 Keywords: distancesratesspeedtime Students calculate times and speeds of scouts on a cycling tour. Preview
4 Painting the house 1 Keywords: arearates Students calculate the area of a space to be painted and the length of time it will take to paint a different area. Preview
4 Buying vegetables 3 Keywords: additiondecimalsdivisionmoneymultiplicationratessubtraction Students use prices of vegetables to perform all four arithmetic operations on decimal numbers. Preview
5 Chocolate special 0 Keywords: decimalsdivisionmoneymultiplicationrates Students calculate the cost per kilogram of three confectionery hampers. Preview