Too Much Noise - JJ21 1999

Illustration of children making noise with pots and pans
Too Much Noise!
Characters: Dad, Lara, Timmy
Scene:  Dad is sitting on a chair, reading a newspaper. Lara and Timmy are running around, chasing each other and making a lot of noise.
Lara:  Can't catch me!
Timmy:  Got you!
Dad:  Stop that noise.
Lara:  But, Dad, we're only playing.
Dad:  I'm trying to read. No more running.
Lara and Timmy go off. They come back banging pot lids and stamping their feet.
Lara and Timmy (singing):  "Twinkle, twinkle, little star. How I wonder what …"
Dad:  Stop that noise!
Timmy:  But, Dad, we're singing.
Dad:  You're too noisy. Play with the blocks.
Lara and Timmy take turns adding blocks to a tower. Then Timmy has two turns in a row.
Lara:  Hey! It's my turn!
Timmy:  No, it's mine!
Lara:  It's my turn!
She knocks over the tower.
Timmy:  You wrecked it!
Timmy Pushes Lara.
Lara:  Dad!
Dad:  What is it now?
Lara:  Timmy pushed me.
Timmy:  Lara wrecked the tower.
Lara:  It was my turn.
Dad:  Stop that arguing and find something quiet to do. I'm getting a headache.
Lara (quietly):  Poor Dad. He must be feeling really bad.
Timmy:  We'd better leave him to read in peace.
They tiptoe out. There is no more noise. Dad sits up and starts to read. Then he stops and looks around.
Dad:  This is no good. It's too quiet. Lara! Timmy! What are you two up to?
The children come back in.
Lara:  Are you feeling better now, Dad?
Dad:  Much better. Why don't you two come and play in here? I don't mind a little bit of noise.
Timmy:  Great! We can practise playing our recorders.
Dad:  Oh, no!