4 The science of burning 2 Keywords: burningchangeschemical changecombustionfire Task: Answer questions about the fire triangle. Assessment focus: elements necessary for combustion. Preview
5 Burning candle diagram 1 Keywords: burningchangesdiagramsdrawingkey competenciesnature of matterparticles Task: Students draw a picture of a burning candle to show changes that occur. Assessment focus: representing the way particles behave when material undergoes temporary and permanent changes. Preview
5 What does the candle weigh? 0 Keywords: burningchangesparticle nature of matter Students answer one multiple-choice question about how the mass of a burning object changes. Preview
34 Burning candles 0 Keywords: burningchangesoxygen Students identify in which order candles will go out and explain their answer. Assessment focus: the role of oxygen in combustion. Preview
4 Candle in a jar 0 Keywords: burningcombustionphysics concepts Students answer short questions to demonstrate their understanding that candles need oxygen to burn. Preview