4 Two dice game II 0 Keywords: experimentsfair gamespredictionprobability Students predict the probability about the product of two dice and test their prediction by conducting an experiment that estimates the probability. Preview
45 Four dice game I 0 Keywords: experimentsfair gamespeer assessmentpredictionprobability Pairs of students play a game with four dice, calculate the probability of winning the game, comment on how to get a more accurate estimate of the probability, and explain whether the game is fair based on their results. Preview
45 Two dice game I 2 Keywords: experimentsfair gamespredict-observe-explainpredictionprobability Students predict whether two dice games are fair and give their reasons. They then play each game (investigate) fifty times and explain their results. Preview
45 Four spinners 1 Keywords: fair gamesprobabilityspinners Students explain who is most likely to win a game based on spinners, and how the game could be made fair. Preview