4 Sending envelopes 1 Keywords: arearepeated unitsunitisingunits of measurework samples Students select a non-standard unit of measure to measure an envelope and explain their choice. Preview
3 Packing sweets 1 Keywords: arearectanglesrepeated units Students work out how many small boxes fit into a larger carton. Preview
3 Packing boxes 4 Keywords: arearepeated unitsvolume Students calculate the number of 3-dimensional shapes that fit into larger 3-dimensional shapes. Preview
3 Working out capacity 3 Keywords: capacityestimationrepeated units Students estimate the amount of liquid in four different glasses based on the amount given that is in a fifth glass. Preview
3 How many Xs cover Y 1 Keywords: arearepeated unitsunit squares Students identify how many unit squares cover given 2-dimensional shapes. Preview
3 Rectangular area 3 Keywords: arearepeated units Students calculate the area of a range of rectangular shapes. Preview