3 Sound experiences 4 Keywords: energyphysics conceptssound Task: Identify examples of experiencing sound. Assessment focus: sound. Preview
4 Noise 2 Keywords: echoesenergyphysics conceptssoundsound insulation Students answer four questions on echoes and sound insulation. Preview
4 How we hear 3 Keywords: earsenergyphysics conceptssequencingsound Students place five statements in order to show how sound travels from its source to the brain. Preview
4 Making a sound gun 2 Keywords: exploringphysical inquirysoundsound waves Task: Make a sound gun and use it to investigate what happens to a candle when the end of the sound gun is tapped. Assessment focus: sound waves. Preview
4 Travelling sound 3 Keywords: matchingphysics conceptsscience capabilitiessound Task: Match statements about materials that sound travels through, with corresponding science idea. Assessment focus: choosing evidence to support a science idea. Preview