Making a sound gun

Making a sound gun

Pencil and paper
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Making a Sound Gun:

  • With the cardboard tubing and the glad wrap make a sound gun like the one in the picture. Use elastic bands to hold the glad wrap on.
  • Carefully make a small hole with a pencil in the glad wrap at one end of the sound gun.
  • Hold the end with the hole in it close to the flame of a candle.
  • Tap the other end quickly with your hand.
  • Try tapping the sound gun a few times.
  • Answer the questions below.
What happened to the flame when you tapped the end of the sound gun?

When you tapped the end of the sound gun you started a sound wave.
What effect did this sound wave have on the air in the tube when it reached the hole at the end?
Task administration: 

Equipment: 20 cm of cardboard tubing; gladwrap; pencil; candle; matches, elastic bands. 

Teacher instructions: The hole that is made needs to be the width of a normal pencil, approximately 8 mm.

Description of task: 
Task: Make a sound gun and use it to investigate what happens to a candle when the end of the sound gun is tapped. Assessment focus: sound waves.
Curriculum Links: 
Science capabilities
The capabilities focus is brought about by the conversations you have and the questions you ask.
Capability: Gather and interpret data
This resource provides opportunities to discuss describing being about what you see, and explaining being about what your observations make you think.
Making Better Sense: 
a) Accurate recording of observations, e.g., the flame went out/was blown over.
b) When the sound wave reaches the end of the tube, it forces air out of the hole which blows out the candle flame.