3 Counting stars 2 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapescubesfacesvisualising Students identify the number of visible faces on 3-dimensional cube models. Preview
4 Cubes and faces III 0 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapescubesfaces Students identify the number of faces for different 3-dimensional cube models. Preview
4 Different views II 1 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapescubesdrawingfacesviews From a drawing of a 3-dimensional shape, students draw five different 2-dimensional views of it onto grids. Preview
3 Cubes and faces 1 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapescubesfacesnetsvisualising Students use a net of a cube to identify opposite faces and what the cube would look like when constructed. Preview
3 Cubes and faces II 2 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapescubesfacesvisualising Students identify the number of faces for different 3-dimensional cube models. Preview
4 Different views 2 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapescubesdrawingfacesviewsvisualising Students draw five different views of a 3-dimensional cube model. Preview