4 Finding the value of n 1 Keywords: equationslinear equations Students show how they find the value of an unknown number in a range of linear equations. Preview
5 Writing equations 2 Keywords: equationslinear equationsnumber sentences Students complete linear equations for three practical word problems. Preview
5 Always, sometimes or never? 1 Keywords: linear equationsquadratic equation Students identify whether algebraic equations are always, sometimes, or never true, and explain their reasoning. Preview
45 Rescue helicopters 0 Keywords: breakeven pointslinear equationsmoneysimultaneous equations Students calculate the cost of hiring a search and rescue helicopter and compare this cost with another helicopter company's charges. Preview
45 Car maintenance 3 Keywords: breakeven pointsgraph constructiongraph interpretationlinear equationsmoneysimultaneous equationstable interpretation Students calculate the repair charges of two different garages, graph them, and explain the results. Preview