2 Find the missing numbers 2 Keywords: additionadditive identitycommutativityinverseproperties of zerosubtraction Students use the additive identity and the commutative property to assist them to solve simple equations without calculating. Preview
2 Number sentences III 1 Keywords: additionadditive identityproperties of zerosubtraction Students explore the additive identity by completing open number sentences. Preview
3 Commutative number sentences II 1 Keywords: additioncommutativityequality Students use the commutative property to find missing numbers in equations and explain the property. Preview
2 Wet homework 0 Keywords: additionidentityinversemultiplicationproperties of oneproperties of zero Students show their understanding of the properties of zero and one, by filling in the missing numbers or signs (+ or ×) in a range of equations. Preview