34 Fencing the field 5 Keywords: perimeterrectangles Students find the perimeters for range of different 4-sided polygons. Preview
34 Garden perimeter 6 Keywords: perimeterrectanglessquares Students calculate the distance around three different sized gardens. Preview
4 Same area, different lengths 1 Keywords: areaperimeterrectangles Students find the width and perimeter of three rectangles with the same area and different lengths. Preview
4 Calculating the perimeter 0 Keywords: perimeterrectanglessquarestriangles Students calculate the perimeter of a range of 2-dimensional shapes. Preview
4 Perimeter and length 3 Keywords: 2-dimensional shapesperimeterrectanglessquares Students answer questions about perimeter and length of square and rectangle shapes. Preview
4 Making road signs 3 Keywords: areaperimeterproblem solvingrectanglessquarestriangles Students calculate the lengths and areas of a road sign. Preview