3 Favourite All Black 1 Keywords: frequency tablesprobabilitytable interpretation Students interpret a table of children's votes for their favourite All Black to answer questions about chance. Preview
4 Library books 0 Keywords: frequency tablesprobabilitytable interpretation Students are asked four short questions that require them to use a table that contains a count of the kind of books borrowed from a library for a month. Preview
4 Prize draw 1 Keywords: frequency tablesprobabilitytable interpretation Students interpret information in a frequency table to decide the probability of winning prizes in a competition. Preview
45 Speed camera 1 Keywords: frequency tablespercentagesprobabilitytable interpretation Students interpret data presented in a frequency table to calculate percentages and make comparisons. Preview
4 Speed trap 0 Keywords: equivalent fractionsfrequency tablesprobabilitytable interpretation Students interpret information in a frequency table to answer probability. Preview