Task: Students interpret a graph to answer questions, and use background knowledge to justify their responses. Assessment focus: control of body temperature in different types of animals.
Plan an investigation to find out which of two students' predictions is correct, and identify how to recognise what a result would look like. Assessment focus: identifying what to measure or compare to answer a science question.
Task: Order fruit according to size and number of seeds, make a generalisation about the pattern and use this to predict whether a fig has small or large seeds. Assessment focus: pattern seeking.
Assessment focus: ability to de-construct and interpret messages in advertising, so that students can understand meaning-making processes in the construction of imagery.
A recount about a whale watch is the context for comprehension questions that require making inferences. The recount is reproduced in the resource. SJ-1-1-1998. Text provided.
This comprehension task involves progressively disclosing a poem to students. It assesses their ability to use evidence from the poem to work out what it could be describing. SJ-4-1-2002. Text provided.