Students list advantages and disadvantages of recycling. The assessment focuses on students' ability to identify impacts on the environment and its inhabitants (including people).
Curriculum Links:
Science capabilities
The capabilities focus is brought about by the conversations you have and the questions you ask.
Capability: Engage with science
This resource provides opportunities to discuss how recycling can help us use the Earth's resources wisely.
encourages environmental awareness/sense of responsibility and involvement.
less rubbish in landfill.
saves energy, particularly in the recycling of aluminium.
provides employment at collection/sorting stage.
households would consume (and pay for) fewer rubbish bags.
2 correct – very difficult
1 correct – easy
Any 2 of:
may use unacceptable amounts of other resources to process.
may obscure the need for reduction and re-use.
may lead to job losses in industries which produce these items from raw materials.
cost of such a programme may be high.
any other plausible answer.
2 correct – very difficult
1 correct – difficult
Diagnostic and formative information:
Analysis of responses
Correct response made up 41% of all answers given, wrong answers 41%, and no answers given 18%.
Of the correct responses, just under half mentioned cleaner environment, less rubbish.