Bird feet and beaks

The capabilities focus is brought about by the conversations you have and the questions you ask.
Capability: Gather and interpret data
This resource provides opportunities to discuss how using provided information and diagrams helps make inferences.
Science capability: Gather and interpret data (TKI)
What would it be likely to eat and why? Explanation shows an understanding of the type of food likely to be found in that particular habitat.
Bird 1 [easy]
Bird 2 [easy] or Fish …because they live in water.
Bird 3 [moderate] |
What do you think its beak would look like? How would this help it catch and eat its food?
Bird 1 [moderate]
Bird 2 [difficult]
Bird 3 [moderate]
The most common difficulties were:
- making links between where the bird lived and what sort of food would most likely be in that habitat, for example, the first bird, "living by the sea", would be unlikely to eat berries or nectar;
- explaining how certain types of beaks made it easier to eat particular types of food.
Next steps
- If students identify that birds eat bread, further discussion is needed about what birds eat when there is no human intervention, and how their beaks and feet suit the type of food eaten in the natural habitat in which they live. Structural adaptations evolve over very long periods of time. However, animals will sometimes adapt their behaviour to take advantage of a changing situation. In this case, this means that some birds are able to take advantage of co-existing with humans, but this has not resulted in changes to their beaks.
- Ask questions/lead discussions to help students realise that all the features of an animal work together to allow it to behave in a particular way.
This resource lends itself to a discussion about a nature of science theme: Scientists make inferences based on close observations and prior knowledge. In this task students are behaving like scientists as they make inferences from the evidence provided. To read more, go to the Nature of Science.
Capability: Gather and interpret data
This resource provides opportunities to discuss using clues from both the features of an animal and the environment it lives in to make inferences.
Science capability: Gather and interpret data (TKI)
Ministry of Education (2001). Making better sense of the Living World. The chapter on Structure and Function includes activities and investigations about birds.