Effect of surface area on evaporation rate

This task is about the relationship between surface area and evaporation.
Task: To show that surface area influences the rate of evaporation
- Trace around the top of these three containers; petri dish, measuring cylinder, 100 mL beaker, on a piece of graph paper.
- Calculate the surface area of each container by counting the squares on the graph paper.
- Pour 25 mL of water into each container.
- Leave the 3 containers in the same place for 3 days.
- Measure the volume of water left.
a) |
Complete the results chart.
Which container lost the most water over the 3 days? ____________________
ii) |
Why did this container lose more water?
iii) |
Explain what happens when water evaporates.
c) |
How could the rate of water loss in this experiment be increased?