Evaporation, condensation or neither? 

Evaporation, condensation or neither? 

Pencil and paper
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This task is about condensation and evaporation of water.

Evaporation = When liquid water is warmed, e.g., by the sun, it turns into steam or vapour (a gas) and goes into the air.
Condensation = When air touches a cold object, the water droplets in the air turn to water on the cold object.

The table below has examples of evaporation, condensation, or neither.

Put a circle around evaporation, condensation, or neither, to show what each example is.


Is this evaporation, condensation, or neither? (Circle one)

a) A bathroom mirror misting up.

evaporation  /  condensation  /  neither

b) A puddle drying in the playground.

evaporation  /  condensation  /  neither

c) Water turning to ice in the freezer.

evaporation  /  condensation  /  neither

d) Water droplets forming on the outside of a glass of cold juice.

evaporation  /  condensation  /  neither

e) Misty car windows in the morning.

evaporation  /  condensation  /  neither

f) A cold mountain stream running into the sea.

evaporation  /  condensation  /  neither

g) The falling level of a pond in summer.

evaporation  /  condensation  /  neither

h) Dew on the grass in the morning.

evaporation  /  condensation  /  neither

Task administration: 
This task can be completed with pencil and paper.
Curriculum info: 
Description of task: 
For each of eight provided situations students identify whether each is an example of evaporation, condensation or neither of these.
Curriculum Links: 
Science capabilities
The capabilities focus is brought about by the conversations you have and the questions you ask.
Capability: Use evidence
This resource provides opportunities to discuss
  • science vocabulary and their meaning.
  • using logical reasoning and developing science understandings to select the correct inference/option. 
Making Better Sense: 


Y7 (03/2000)

a) condensation 8 correct – very difficult

6-7 correct – moderate

4-5 correct – easy

2-3 correct – very easy

b) evaporation
c) neither
d) condensation
e) condensation
f) neither
g) evaporation
h) condensation