Impromptu Speech III

Impromptu Speech III

Pencil and paper
Using this Resource
Connecting to the Curriculum
Marking Student Responses
Further Resources
This task is about giving an impromptu speech on a topic.
You should speak for one minute.
You are being assessed on your ability to think on your feet.
Possible topics
•   Breakfast 
•   Making a lei
•   Our letterbox 
•   My pet 
•   My room 
•   School buses 
•   Assemblies 
•   PE 
•   Shopping malls 
•   Best apps to download
•   Our fridge 
•   School reports 
•   The unknown me 
•   Rules 
•   Fears 
•   Mathematics 
•   On being tidy 
•   Homework 
•   Music I like 
•   Pocket money 
•   Travelling to school 
•   Kapa haka
•   Art 
•   Clouds 
•   My favourite Uncle
•   Cars 
•   Accidents 
•   Family meals 
•   Night time 
•   Rap 
•   Hands 
•   Being ill 
•   Gardens 
•   Weather 
•   Teachers 
•   The library 
•   My favourite things 
•   Making poi 
•   Health food 
•   Juggling 
•   My koro
•   Fast food 
•   Gaming
•   Spending money 
•   Weekends 
•   Reading 
•   Boredom 
•   A hero  
Task administration: 
  • This task assesses students' ability to plan and deliver an impromptu speech.
  • Students may be given a topic and asked to speak to another student, a small group, or the class.
  • Students may make notes and plan their approach to the topic/subject for a short time. In most cases, 3-5 minutes will be sufficient.
  • Assessment scoring guides A, B, and C are all suitable for this task.
Curriculum info: 
Description of task: 
Students deliver an impromptu speech from topics that are suitable for secondary school. Assessment guides A, B, and C are suitable for this task.
The following Oral Language Assessment Guides – Speaking can be used with this resource.
Click for more information about the Oral Language Assessment Guides – Speaking.