Keeping sandwiches fresh 0 Overview Using this Resource Connecting to the Curriculum Marking Student Responses Further Resources This task is about knowing how to keep your sandwiches fresh. Question 1Change answer Kate's dad made her a sandwich to take to school for her lunch. Write down three different things she could do to keep this sandwich fresh for lunchtime. Kate's dad made her a sandwich to take to school for her lunch. Write down three different things she could do to keep this sandwich fresh for lunchtime. 1. 2. 3. Task administration: This task can be completed with pencil and paper or online. Level: 2 Curriculum info: Science, Knowledge, Material World Keywords: changes, food, food preservation Description of task: This task requires students to give three ways of keeping a sandwich fresh for lunch. Curriculum Links: Knowledge: students use their everyday knowledge to answer questions about keeping food fresh. Answers/responses: Y4 (08/2000) a) Any 3 of: Wrap it in gladwrap. Wrap it in tin foil. Wrap it in greaseproof paper. Seal it in a plastic bag. Put it in an airtight container/lunch box. Put it in a shady/cool place. Put it in the fridge. 3 correct – difficult 2 correct – easy 1 correct – very easy Keeping food cold Keeping bread fresh