Kiwiburger: advertisement analysis

This task can be completed with pencil and paper, or online (with some auto-marking).
To complete this task, students need to watch the following 45-second, 1999 Kiwiburger advertisement. This can also be found on YouTube.
NOTE: There is no single correct interpretation of a text, and it can be interpreted at different levels (more or less 'deeply'). However, some interpretations are simply incorrect. Students need to make logical connections between text and their interpretation of its meaning.
Students may not know exactly what Kiwiana is, so the purpose of tasks a) and b) is to get students thinking about what Kiwiana might be, and to understand that the advertisement was composed of a mix of Kiwiana and the ingredients of the Kiwiburger. This should lead them to conclude the answer to task c), and start to think more deeply about why a company like McDonald's would use such iconography.
Most students crossed out ingredients as not being Kiwiana, but students also commonly crossed out items such as Marching Girls, Moggy Cats, Butterflies, Sandals, and Floppy Hats; items that they did not feel were remotely related to New Zealand or items that had been put in to maximise the rhyming effect of the jingle.
Task c) What would the Kiwiburger be without Kiwiana?
Just over half of the trial students gave valid interpretive responses that went beyond just a burger, just another burger sold at McDonald's. They started to:
- Make the connection of McDonald's as a multinational company that is trying to nationalise their product, and that there is nothing New Zealand-like about them.
The Kiwiburger would not be popular without Kiwiana. Kiwiana makes the burger related to NZ and without it, it is just another burger on the menu. It would not sell well in NZ without Kiwiana.
The Kiwiburger would just be another McDonald's burger. It wouldn't be special from the others.
- Identify that there is a meaning making process involved that is not to do with the physical burger, but by attaching meaning through using iconography.
Without kiwiana the kiwiburger would have no meaning behind it and it wouldn't be exclusive to NZ. It would merely be just another burger on the menu rather than an 'icon' of Aoteroa.
Just a normal burger, because the Kiwiburger uses Kiwiana to advertise and promote its product to New Zealanders.
- Tap into the value of 'uniqueness.'
It would have no unique qualities or differences, from other burgers.
It would just be an ordinary burger without anything unique or different.
- Understand that the burger would essentially be the same thing. Highlighting that Kiwiana has nothing to do with the burger and is only used as a marketing device.
Just a burger. Because there would be nothing to connect it to, nothing to make it a "Kiwi" Burger.
The Kiwiburger would be probably the same because the things in it are not specifically native to N.Z.
- Identify product representation.
A plain burger. It would not be a Kiwi burger. I don't think that it could be called a Kiwi burger because it would have nothing to represent it.
Task d) Why is McDonald's using Kiwiana in this advertisement?
McDonald's was understood to be a multinational company trying to nationalise their product in marketing the "Kiwiburger." Students identified that McDonald's was trying to market the Kiwiburger as part of Kiwiana, and therefore part of New Zealand culture.
Because they know that N.Zrs' are very proud of Kiwiana and how it is unique for us/them. By doing this it makes the ad more likable and approachable for N.Zrs' and because it seems like Mc.D.'s understand NZ + Kiwiana it will make the audience of the ad more likely to want to buy their product.
Because it connects the burger to us to make it seem unique/special and makes us want to buy it.
McDonald's is doing this to make the Kiwiburger a part of NZ. They are using Kiwiana to show that the burger, like all the "Kiwiana" things mentioned, is a part of NZ culture.
They are trying to get people to associate Kiwiburgers with all of the other pieces of Kiwiana described in the ad. They are trying to earn their Kiwiburger a place in Kiwiana.
- One student linked this to national identity.
Because they think New Zealanders would feel more inclined to buy one as it includes part of our identity. People will think that it is a traditional Kiwi burger.
- Another used previous knowledge to give an example of how McDonald's as a multinational company nationalise their products globally to suit local markets.
Because it gives the impression of a company that is based in New Zealand not America. Also they are trying to make the most basic ingredients into a Kiwi influenced burger.
Back when I lived in Australia they have the Aussie burger which has the same ingredients and a similar jingle. This shows that its only the advertisement that makes it "Kiwi".
Task e) Why is Kiwiana important to new Zealanders?
This task gets students to begin to think about national identity and what analysing this advertisement can tell us, through using Kiwiana, about our culture and society and how it relates to the rest of the world.
- Most trial students made links to "our culture" and nationality, some taking this further in identifying Kiwiana’s role as physical objects that are items of national iconography.
Kiwiana is important because the objects are national icons which we are proud of and individual and unique to us.
- Some students wrote about Kiwiana as physical objects, but misidentified them as components of our identity rather than representations.
Kiwiana is what most NZers grew up with, like the buzzy bee or jandels, everyday objects that make up our nationality and make NZers' Kiwi.
- Others identified Kiwiana as objects of representation.
It is important to New Zealanders because these are all symbols that represent New Zealand and Kiwis.
- Trial students also made links to the past with a need for belonging.
It is important because NZ'ers like to feel a sense of pride in their nation and Kiwiana helps them to do this. Because we are quite a recent country and we were largely colonised by the British. This means we did not really have our own heritage. Until Kiwiana. Kiwiana helps NZ to fill that gap between colonisation and today. Without it, I think many Kiwi's would have felt like they didn't belong in NZ.
Because it is a part of who we are and some of it is historical. It also gives some of us a sense of belonging.
Kiwiana is important to us Kiwis because it represents who we are, what we stand for, what our culture is etc. It is important we feel proud of our country and having Kiwi icons helps us to do so.
Because it is supposedly what everyone has in common, which makes everyone feel more together as a community. It makes everyone feel like they have some understanding of eachother- Also because N.Z. has little material history it is what we cling to for acknowledgement from the outside world.
- Get students to write their own definition of Kiwiana. What is Kiwiana to their generation? What are symbols of New Zealand identity for them as young New Zealanders? What do they identify with?
- Have a discussion about New Zealand Identity. What is it? And what kind of representation of New Zealand identity is Kiwiana (usually material and a bit kitsch).
- Explore this further by discussing the relationship symbols and representations have with identity and its expression. (It is important to note that identity, be it individual or cultural, may be symbolised and represented by physical objects, but that identity is a social and psychological phenomena, and is therefore not material).