Ozone levels in the Southern Hemisphere

Ozone levels in the Southern Hemisphere

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This task is about interpreting information from a diagram about ozone.
On this map of the Southern Hemisphere the ozone concentrations are shown in Dobson Units. Ozone levels in the atmosphere are normally 3 mm thick. This is 300 Dobson Units in scientific measurement.
Map of the Earth over Antarctica

Question 2Change answer

a)  What is the ozone concentration over: 
     i)  New Zealand? Dobson Units.
     ii)  Australia? Dobson Units.

Question 2Change answer

b) The ozone concentration levels shown on the map indicate the formation of an ozone hole over Antarctica. What does the term 'ozone hole' mean?

Question 2Change answer

c) Write a summary statement about the change in ozone concentration from the Antarctic to New Zealand.


d)  In which season does the ozone hole develop over Antarctica?
    • Autumn

    • Winter

    • Spring

Question 2Change answer

e)  i) What is the function of the ozone layer?

Question 3Change answer

     ii) Why is this function of the ozone layer important for living things?

Question 2Change answer

f)  Name an ozone depleting gas.

Task administration: 
This task can be completed with pencil and paper or online.
Curriculum info: 
Description of task: 
Students interpret a map showing concentrations of ozone in the atmosphere and then answer some questions about the ozone issue. This resource assesses the ability to interpret data, and also knowledge of the ozone layer and associated issues.
Curriculum Links: 
Science capabilities
The capabilities focus is brought about by the conversations you have and the questions you ask.
Capability: Interpret representations
Scientists represent their ideas in a variety of ways, including models, graphs, charts, diagrams and written texts. This resource provides opportunities to discuss analysing the pattern in a particular science representation e.g., ozone map.
Science capabilities: 

Y10 (04/1998)

a) i)
250, 300 (must have both)
very easy
b) A region of less/thinner ozone. difficult
c) Any 1 of:

  • The level of ozone increases as the distance away from Antarctica increases.
  • The level of ozone increases the closer you get to NZ.
d) Spring difficult
e) i)
Prevents much of the Sun's harmful (ultra- violet) light reaching the Earth's surface.
Because UV light can:
  • Cause skin cancer.
  • Cause cataracts.
  • Decrease photosynthesis rate in ocean plants.
  • Other acceptable answers.
f) Any 1 of:

  • Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
  • Halons

These are the main two ozone depleting gases, but there are others, e.g.,

  • Carbon tetrachloride
  • Methyl chloroform
  • Methyl bromide