Reading the periodic table

Reading the periodic table

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This task is about using part of the periodic table to answer questions.
 Use the information from this section of the Periodic Table to answer the following questions.

Question Change answer

a)  Select the element whose atom has the greatest mass.

Question Change answer

b)  Select the metal which has atoms that are almost twice the mass of nickel atoms.

Question 2Change answer

c)  How many electrons does one atom of silver have?  

Question 2Change answer

d)  Cobalt is an element in Group 9, and is in the same row as nickel, copper, and zinc.
     What is cobalt's atomic number?  
Description of task: 
Students use information on nine elements from the periodic table to answer four short questions.
Curriculum Links: 
Science capabilities
The capabilities focus is brought about by the conversations you have and the questions you ask.
Capability: Interpret representations
This resource provides opportunities to discuss how to interpret symbols and representations from a periodic table. 
This resource provides opportunities to discuss the periodic table is a “shorthand” way of representing years of careful systematic research into the nature and atomic structure of all the elements.
Science capabilities: 
   Y10 (11/1997)
very easy
d)    27 moderate


Diagnostic and formative information: 
  Common errors
c) 20% of students gave 108 as an answer (This was 41% of all the wrong answers given).
d) Most common wrong answers:

  • No response – 26% of all wrong answers.
  • 31 – 23% of all wrong answers.
  • 58 – 14% of all wrong answers.