Spot the possum

Spot the possum

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This task is about shining a beam of light at something.


One night Janice heard a noise on the roof. She went outside with a torch and the beam of light showed a possum sitting on the roof.
a)  What happens to the light from the torch that is not reflected by the possum?
    • The light travels until it is absorbed or reflected by other things.

    • The light goes only as far as the thing the torch beam is shone at.

    • It goes a few metres past the possum, and then stops because of the torch's focus.

    • The light disappears in the darkness.

b) Using the torch Janice is able to see the possum. Explain what is happening to the light rays from the torch to allow this to occur.
Task administration: 
This task can be completed with pencil and paper or online.
Curriculum info: 
Description of task: 
Task: Answer questions about what happens to the light form a torch. Assessment focus: light.
Curriculum Links: 
Science capabilities

The capabilities focus is brought about by the conversations you have and the questions you ask.

Capability: Use evidence

This resource provides opportunities to discuss using evidence to make an inference. 
Science capabilities: 
    Y10 (06/1998)
The light travels until it is absorbed or reflected by other things (A)
b) The light from the torch is reflected off the possum. moderate