Stop the car!

Stop the car!

Pencil and paper
Connecting to the Curriculum
Marking Student Responses

Here are some car speeds and the distance it takes for a car to stop when it is travelling at this speed, e.g., at a speed of 20 kilometres per hour it takes a car 13 metres to stop when it brakes.

Speed (kilometres per hour) 20 40 60 80 100
Stopping distance (metres) 13 30 55 80 110


a) Using the data in the table complete the graph below. The first point is done for you.
Car Speed and Stopping Distance

Complete the sentence about stopping distance.
The faster a car is going the  ...
c) i)
If the road the car was travelling on was wet the stopping distance would (circle one)
decrease.               stay the same.               increase.
  ii) Explain your answer to i).

Description of task: 
Task: Complete a graph from data in a table, and answer two questions. Assessment focus: speed and stopping.
Curriculum Links: 
Science capabilities
The capabilities focus is brought about by the conversations you have and the questions you ask.
Capability: Interpret representations
This resource provides opportunities to discuss  the relative benefits of using tables or graphs to convey the same set of data.
Science capabilities: 
Making Better Sense: 
  Y6 (11/1998)

Speed of car (kilometres per hour)

b)   The greater the stopping distance. easy
c) i)
Any answer that indicates less friction between the car/tyre and the road, e.g., it would be more slippery.