Stopping distances of toy cars

Stopping distances of toy cars

Pencil and paper
Connecting to the Curriculum
Marking Student Responses
Jane has been investigating the stopping distance of a toy car. She set up the equipment below and measured the stopping distance for a range of heights of the ramp.

These were her results:

What was the aim of the experiment?
What would be the best way to present these results, so students could see the pattern?
The change in the height of the ramp affected the speed of the toy car. What is the energy change that has occurred in the toy car as it is let go to go down the slope?
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What other measurement would you need to record, to calculate the average speed of the toy car?
Write a conclusion for this experiment.
Description of task: 
Students are given stimulus material on the stopping distance of a toy car released from different heights. Students write an aim, the best way to present the results, identify the measurement required in order to calculate the average speed, and write a conclusion for the investigation.
Curriculum Links: 
Science capabilities
The capabilities focus is brought about by the conversations you have and the questions you ask.
Capability: Interpret representations
This resource provides opportunities to discuss how to interpret data from a table. 
Science capabilities: 
  Y10 (06/01)
a) To find out whether the height of the ramp makes a difference to the stopping distance of a toy car. moderate
b) Line graph. moderate
c) (Gravitational) Potential Kinetic Energy. difficult
d) The time (from go to stop). difficult
e) Students must answer their aim, e.g.,
"As the height of the ramp increases so does the stopping distance of the toy car."