A wasteland food web

A wasteland food web

Pencil and paper
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The diagram shows a number of food chains related to each other. This is called a food web. 

Use the food web to answer the following:   

Name a producer in the food web. ____________________
Which two animals in the food web are not eaten by other animals?
1.  ____________________  and  2.  ____________________
Name a carnivore in the food web. ____________________
In the space below draw a food chain that is part of this food web.
The food chain must contain small birds.

What do the "arrows" mean in a food chain or food web?



Task administration: 

This task can be completed with pencil and paper or by drawing online.
Description of task: 
Students use a diagram that shows a food web to answer five questions about the information within the food web.
Curriculum Links: 
Science capabilities
The capabilities focus is brought about by the conversations you have and the questions you ask.
Capability: Interpret representations
This resource provides opportunities to discuss scientific conventions for representing feeding relationships (a food web).
Science capabilities: 
Making Better Sense: 

Y8 (11/97)

a) Trees/Grasses easy
b) Hawks
2 correct – very easy

1 correct – very easy

c) Lizards/small birds/hawks. easy
d) Trees insects small birds hawks.
or Grasses Grasshoppers small birds hawks.
or Grasses insects small birds hawks.
NOTE: Hawks are not necessary in order for answer to be correct.
e) "is eaten by". easy


These ARB tasks explore feeding relationships through food chains, food webs, the roles plants and animals have in them and the impacts of change in a natural environment.
Each task requires students to interpret the scientific convention of arrows in feeding relationships as representing the flow of energy transferred from one species to another.