A wasteland food web

A wasteland food web

Pencil and paper
Connecting to the Curriculum
Marking Student Responses

The diagram shows a number of food chains related to each other. This is called a food web. 

Use the food web to answer the following:   

Name a producer in the food web. ____________________
Which two animals in the food web are not eaten by other animals?
1.  ____________________  and  2.  ____________________
Name a carnivore in the food web. ____________________
In the space below draw a food chain that is part of this food web.
The food chain must contain small birds.

What do the "arrows" mean in a food chain or food web?



Description of task: 
Students use a diagram that shows a food web to answer five questions about the information within the food web.
Curriculum Links: 
Science capabilities
The capabilities focus is brought about by the conversations you have and the questions you ask.
Capability: Interpret representations
This resource provides opportunities to discuss scientific conventions for representing feeding relationships (a food web).
Science capabilities: 
Making Better Sense: 

Y8 (11/97)

a) Trees/Grasses easy
b) Hawks
2 correct – very easy

1 correct – very easy

c) Lizards/small birds/hawks. easy
d) Trees insects small birds hawks.
or Grasses Grasshoppers small birds hawks.
or Grasses insects small birds hawks.
NOTE: Hawks are not necessary in order for answer to be correct.
e) "is eaten by". easy