Weather data

Weather data

Pencil and paperOnline interactive
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This task is about interpreting a table and writing a weather report.

Question 1Change answer

Weather Observation on 22 September

Observations Taken at the Meteorological office
On 22 September
To date this month
To date this year
Highest Gust (knots / km/h)
24 hours to 9 a.m., 23 September
To date this month
To date this year
Average for September
Wettest September in 1874
Driest September in 1989
Maximum to 6 p.m., 22 September
Temperatures for the 24 hours to 9 a.m., 23 September
11.2 (hours)
104.1 (hours)
1358.8 (hours)
0.0 (mm)
88.0 (mm)
995.7 (mm)
104.0 (mm)
280.7 (mm)
8.2 (mm)
20.0 (°C)
16.6 (°C)
8.6 (°C)
Use the information from the table to describe the weather for 22 September. Use the following headings.
Overhead conditions
Task administration: 
This task can be completed with pen and paper or online (with no auto-marking).
Description of task: 
For this task students are provided with a table of weather observations for a day in September. Students are required to write a weather report using headings that have been provided.
Curriculum Links: 
Science capabilities
The capabilities focus is brought about by the conversations you have and the questions you ask.
Capability: Interpret representations
Scientists represent their ideas in a variety of ways, including models, graphs, charts, diagrams and written texts. 
This resource provides opportunities to discuss
  • reading the relevant data in a table to answer a question.
  • converting information from text to a table.
Science capabilities: 
Making Better Sense: 

Y8 (12/1997)

Rain: none.
Temperature: warm/specific example.
Wind: windy/gusts to 40 kmh-1.
Overhead conditions: sunny/cloudless.
2 correct – difficult

1 correct – easy