

Pencil and paper
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Weta are insects which are found only in New Zealand. Below are photographs of four types of weta.

Here is a tree weta.
Here are three other types of weta.

               1. giant weta                          2. cave weta                      3. tusked weta 

NOTE: The photographs of the weta are not to scale.

Which weta is the tree weta most similar to?   ____________________

Give two reasons why these weta are similar. 

Weta belong to the animal group known as insects. What are two features of weta that show that they belong to the group insects?
Carefully explain two features that weta have in common with each other. (Do not use the answers you gave for question b)).
Task administration: 
This task can be completed with pencil and paper.
Description of task: 
For this task students are provided with photographs of four different types of weta. Students are asked to give two features that weta have in common with each other and to give two features that show weta belong to the group insects.
Curriculum Links: 
Science capabilities
The capabilities focus is brought about by the conversations you have and the questions you ask.
Capability: Gather and interpret data
This resource provides opportunities to discuss when we look very carefully and notice lots of things it helps us describe how things are similar and different.

Science capabilities: 
Making Better Sense: 


Y8 (09/01)


Named giant weta and two good reasons given, e.g.,

  • short legs (unlike cave weta)
  • no tusks (unlike tusked weta)

2 correct reasons– difficult

1 correct – easy


Any 2 of:

  • 6 legs
  • 3 parts to body
  • antennae

2 correct – difficult

1 correct – easy


Any 2 of:

  • large heads
  • armoured like body
  • larger back legs
  • spines of back legs
  • thick/heavy looking abdomen
  • clawed feet
  • other acceptable answers

NOTE: Answers must be different to b).

2 correct – very difficult

1 correct – moderate