Will it float?

Will it float?

Pencil and paperOnline interactive
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Connecting to the Curriculum
Marking Student Responses
Further Resources
This task is about things that float.

Question 1Change answer

a)  Do you think each object will float or sink?
      Write the name of the object in column A and "yes" or "no" in column B.
b)  Try putting each of the objects in water to see if they float.
     Write your results in the table in column C.
A. Name of object
B. Do you think it will float?
C. Did it float?

Question 1Change answer

c)  What are two reasons why these things in column C float?
1. 2.
Task administration: 

This task can be completed with pencil and paper or online and with other equipment.


  • bowl or sink of water;
  • a number of objects that will float (e.g., ping pong ball, cork, empty plastic bottle with lid, ice-block stick, small plastic toy); a number of objects that will not float (e.g., nail, rock, a plastic bottle identical to the other one but with water in it, plasticine ball, coin).
  • (The table for students has nine spaces to fill out).]
  1. Give the students all the objects and the task sheet. Ask them to put the objects in two groups, those that will float and those that will not float.
  2. Ask the students to fill in column A (Name of object) and column B (Do you think it will float?) of the table with their predictions.
  3. Ask the students to test all of the objects, then fill in column C of the table.
Description of task: 
Task: Predict whether given objects will float, investigate, then record and explain results. Assessment focus: flotation.
Curriculum Links: 
Science capabilities
The capabilities focus is brought about by the conversations you have and the questions you ask.
Capability: Gather and interpret data
This resource provides opportunities to discuss that predicting is not guessing, but applying science understandings to a specific context.
Science capabilities: 
a) Completing the table with names of objects and predictions.
b) Testing each object and completing table with accurate results.
c) Any 2 of:

  • They are light/not heavy.
  • They are hollow/have air in the middle.
  • They are spread out/they have a large surface area.