3 Triangle areas 1 Keywords: areaunit squares Students calculate the area of four different triangle shapes on a grid. Preview
3 Unit square area 1 Keywords: areaunit squares Students calculate the area of a range of 2-dimensional shapes in unit squares. Preview
34 Area of shapes II 4 Keywords: areaunit squares Students work out the area of different shapes. Preview
34 Total area 2 Keywords: areaunit squares Students calculate the area of a composite shape on a grid. Preview
3 Setting up tables 2 Keywords: areaperimeterunit squares Students calculate and identify the shape with the largest area, and the longest perimeter from three shapes drawn on a grid. Preview
3 Millilitres or litres? 3 Keywords: capacityunits of measurement Students identify whether litres or millilitres would be the best unit of measurement for a range of everyday measuring tasks. Preview
3 How many grams? 1 Keywords: estimationpracticalreading scalesweight In this practical task, students estimate, then measure, the weight of two bags using kitchen scales. Preview
3 How many centimetres? 2 Keywords: estimationlengthreading scales In this practical task, students estimate, then measure, the length of two objects using a ruler. Preview
3 Area of four shapes 1 Keywords: areaunit squares Students calculate the area of four different shapes on a grid. Preview
3 Making different rectangles 1 Keywords: arearectangles Students use a given number of multi-link cubes to make and draw different rectangles. Preview
3 Design a chocolate box 1 Keywords: lengthmodel constructionnets In this practical task students design a net for a lidded cardboard box to hold 3 "chocolate bars" represented by hundreds blocks. They then cut out and construct the box. Preview
3 Making chocolate gift packs 2 Keywords: heightlengthwidth Students work out the height, width and length of gift packets. Preview
3 Watch your speed 2 Keywords: linear scalesreading scalesspeed Students read scales from a car speedometer. Preview
3 Packing sweets 1 Keywords: arearectanglesrepeated units Students work out how many small boxes fit into a larger carton. Preview
3 Inside, outside 1 Keywords: linear scalesplotting scalestemperature Students estimate the temperature and indicate it on a thermometer. Preview
3 Packing boxes 4 Keywords: arearepeated unitsvolume Students calculate the number of 3-dimensional shapes that fit into larger 3-dimensional shapes. Preview
3 Units of measurement III 3 Keywords: lengthmassunitsunits of measurementweight Students identify the correct unit of measurement that would be used for the weight or length of a range of everyday objects. Preview
3 How many millilitres? 1 Keywords: capacityestimationreading scales In this practical task, students estimate, then measure, the volume of two containers using a measuring jug. Preview
34 Correcting mistakes 11 Keywords: areameasurementperimeterproblem solving Students identify the error in three statements made about the perimeter and area of given objects. Preview
3 Reading scales II 4 Keywords: linear scalesreading scales Students read scales from pictures of everyday measuring equipment. Preview
3 Reading a temperature scale 2 Keywords: linear scalesreading scalestemperature Students identify the measure of temperature off linear scales. Preview
3 Measuring toy planes 9 Keywords: centimetreslengthmeasuringruler Students read scales to measure images of objects to the nearest tenth of a centimetre. Login to preview
3 Different rulers 2 Keywords: decimalsnumber linesreading scales Students identify decimal numbers on a number line. Preview
3 Working out capacity 3 Keywords: capacityestimationrepeated units Students estimate the amount of liquid in four different glasses based on the amount given that is in a fifth glass. Preview
3 Millimetre, centimetre, metre or kilometre? 5 Keywords: lengthunits of measurement Students choose the most appropriate measurement unit - millimetre, centimetre, metre, or kilometre - to measure a range of objects. Preview