4 Changing weights 2 Keywords: additionconversion of unitsdecimalssubtractionweight Students convert units of weight - grams and kilograms - to answer questions a range of food items. Preview
4 Different weights 3 Keywords: conversion of unitsdecimalsweight Students convert units of weight - milligram, gram, kilogram, and tonne, in order to answer questions about potatoes. Preview
4 Island area 1 Keywords: areaestimation Students estimate (and explain how) the area of two islands on a grid. Preview
4 Travelling around New Zealand 2 Keywords: distancesmapsshortest paths Students use a map to help them describe the shortest route away from and back to two New Zealand cities. Preview
4 Making road signs 3 Keywords: areaperimeterproblem solvingrectanglessquarestriangles Students calculate the lengths and areas of a road sign. Preview
4 Fencing paddocks 2 Keywords: additionperimeter Students are asked to work out the perimeter of different polygon shapes. Login to preview
4 Different sized capacities 3 Keywords: capacityconversion of unitswork samples Students order litre and millilitre capacities from smallest to largest, compare given capacities and explain how they know whether one is larger/smaller or the same. Preview