4 Where to sit? 0 Keywords: grid references Students identify grid references on a movie theatre seating plan. Preview
4 Using grid references 1 Keywords: grid referencesmaps Students use grid references to locate places on a map of Auckland and give grid references of specified places. Preview
4 Decoding Co-ordinate references 4 Keywords: co-ordinatesgrid referencesgrids Students use co-ordinates to identify a coded message. Preview
24 Treasure Island 6 Keywords: co-ordinatescompassdirectiongrid referencesnemp For this NEMP task students use a grid map of an island to locate positions and describe ways to move from one position to another. Preview
4 Historical sites 2 Keywords: grid references The context for this task is a grid-referenced map of historical sites. Students locate items at three grid references then write the grid references for all the castles on the map. Preview
3 Battleship grids 5 Keywords: grid references Students give grid references, and drag and drop grid references onto a grid. Preview
3 More battleships 4 Keywords: grid referencesgrids Students identify positions on a grid using grid references. Preview