Decoding Co-ordinate references 0 Overview Using this Resource Connecting to the Curriculum Marking Student Responses Working with Students Further Resources This task is about using co-ordinates to work out a coded message. Each letter on the grid is given by a co-ordinate pair. Use the co-ordinates to decode the following words. Question 2Change answer a) i) (2,4) (9,3) (1,11) (12,8) a) i) (2,4) (9,3) (1,11) (12,8) The word is . Question 3Change answer ii) (3,8) (12,8) (11,1) ii) (3,8) (12,8) (11,1) The word is . Question 2Change answer iii) (9,3) (1,2) (12,3) (3,8) (1,11) (6,8) (11,10) (9,9) (1,2) (7,10) iii) (9,3) (1,2) (12,3) (3,8) (1,11) (6,8) (11,10) (9,9) (1,2) (7,10) The word is . Question 2Change answer b) i) What day of the week is it today? MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAYSUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAYSUNDAY ii) Write down the code for this day by using a co-ordinate pair for each letter. Task administration: This task can be completed with pencil and paper or online (with SOME auto marking). Level: 4 Curriculum info: Maths, Geometry and Measurement, Position and orientation Keywords: co-ordinates, grids, grid references Description of task: Students use co-ordinates to identify a coded message. Curriculum Links: This resource can be used to help to identify students' understanding of co-ordinates. Learning Progression FrameworksThis resource can provide evidence of learning associated with Geometric thinking, sets 4-5 within the Mathematics Learning Progressions Frameworks.Read more about the Learning Progressions Frameworks. Answers/responses: Y9 (04/1998) a) i) ii) iii) draw two rectangles very easy very easy very easy b) i) ii) Specify the correct day of the week. Codes for: Monday (5,1) (11,1) (6,8) (2,4) (1,11) (10,4) Tuesday (3,8) (4,2) (1,2) (7,10) (2,4) (1,11) (10,4) Wednesday (12,8) (1,2) (2,4) (6,8) (1,2) (7,10) (2,4) (1,11) (10,4) Thursday (3,8) (2,7) (4,2) (9,3) (7,10) (2,4) (1,11) (10,4) Friday (8,11) (9,3) (10,6) (2,4) (1,11) (10,4) very easy NOTE: Accept if a wrongly spelt word is correctly coded. Diagnostic and formative information: Student response Likely reason a) i) ii) iii) Drow Twa Rectongle Transposes o (11,1) and a (1,11), i.e., transposes x and y co-ordinates. Whale watching Mapping diagrams Graphing relationships Number machines Treasure Island