3 Subtraction boxes 1 Keywords: basic factssubtraction Students complete subtraction equations by selecting from a range of numbers. Preview
3 Division facts 0 Keywords: basic factsdivision Students complete division equations by selecting from given numbers. Preview
3 Division boxes 1 Keywords: basic factsdivision Students complete division equations by selecting from given numbers. Preview
2 Addition and subtraction facts 1 Keywords: additionbasic factssubtractionwhole numbers Students give answers to addition and subtraction basic facts problems. Preview
23 Halving and doubling 3 Keywords: basic factsdoublinghalvingmultiplication Students halve and double a range of numbers. Preview
2 Different subtraction number sentences 0 Keywords: basic factsequalityequationssubtraction Students solve different forms of subtraction equations. Preview
2 Adding numbers to ten 2 Keywords: additionbasic factsequations Students find and write the numbers to complete equations that add to 10. Preview
5 Square and cubic numbers 4 Keywords: basic factscubic numberssquare numbers Students identify square and cubic numbers mentally in a timed test. Preview
3 Division wheel 3 Keywords: divisionequations Students complete a number of equations on a division wheel. Preview
3 Multiplication squares 3 Keywords: arraysbasic factsequationsmultiplicationproblem solving Students complete 3 multiplication arrays by selecting from given numbers. Preview
2 How many? 8 Keywords: basic factsmultiplication Students solve story problems involving multiplication and division. Preview
3 Multiplication wheel 4 Keywords: basic factsmultiplication Students complete equations by multiplying to given products on a multiplication wheel. Preview
3 Sums, differences and products 3 Keywords: additionbasic factsfactorsmultiplicationsubtraction Students use given sums, differences, and products to identify factors in each basic fact. Preview
4 Square numbers 2 Keywords: basic factspowerssquare numbers Students identify square numbers and write the equation showing the factors for each. Preview
3 Multiplication and division facts 3 Keywords: basic factsdivisionmultiplication Students give answers to basic facts in multiplication and division. Preview
23 Spinach and lettuce 8 Keywords: basic factsmultiplicationwhole numbers This task requires students to exhibit multiplication basic facts, and answer story problems about vegetables that require multiplication. Preview
3 Multiplication facts 0 Keywords: basic factsmultiplication Students complete multiplication equations by selecting from given factors. Preview
4 Writing percentages 3 Keywords: basic factsdecimalspercentages Students write decimal fractions as percentages. Preview
34 Powerful twenty five 5 Keywords: basic factsdivisionmultiplication Students answer questions based on multiplication or division by 25, and explain how they arrived at their answer. Preview
5 Divisibility by three and nine 1 Keywords: basic factsdivisibilityfactors Students identify and give rules for when numbers are divisible by three or by nine. Preview