5 Measuring cup 1 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapesconevolume Students use a diagram of, and information about a measuring cup (a cone) to calculate and answer questions about volume. Preview
5 Blocks and a cylinder 1 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapescuboidscylindersvolume Students calculate the volume of blocks in a cylinder, the cylinder and the space around the blocks. Preview
4 View from a different angle II 3 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapesviewsvisualising Students identify which shapes are identical to a given shape that have been rotated. Preview
4 Drawing 3-d Shapes II 0 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapescubesdrawingmodel constructionnetsspatial visualisationtriangular prisms In this practical task, students construct 3-dimensional shapes from nets (provided), and then draw them on a grid. Preview
23 One cut 3 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapescross-sectionsnemp For this NEMP task student draw the cross section indicated on 6 different food items. Preview
3 Folding nets II 4 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapesfoldingmatchingnetspeer assessmentprismsself-assessment Students predict which 3-dimensional shapes nets will make and then fold nets to identify the shapes. Preview
3 Building models II 0 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapesmodel construction In this practical task students use multi-link cubes to construct two 3-dimensional models from pictures of each model from two different viewpoints. Preview
3 Building models 1 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapesmodel construction In this practical task, students use multi-link cubes to construct two 3-dimensional models from pictures of each model from two different viewpoints. Preview
3 Straw models II 1 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapescubesmodel constructiontriangular prisms In this practical task students use straws to construct skeleton models of 3-dimensional shapes from given drawings. Preview
2 Slicing shapes 1 Keywords: 2-dimensional shapes3-dimensional shapescross-sections Students identify the 2-dimensional shape that cross-sectional slices of food make. Preview
3 Cutting cross-sections 0 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapescross-sectionsdrawing In this practical task students predict what the widthwise and lengthwise cross-sections of a selection of fruit and vegetables would look like. Preview
3 Cubes and faces II 2 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapescubesfacesvisualising Students identify the number of faces for different 3-dimensional cube models. Preview
3 Counting stars 2 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapescubesfacesvisualising Students identify the number of visible faces on 3-dimensional cube models. Preview
4 Matching nets II 7 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapesmatchingnetspeer assessmentprisms Students match three dimensional shapes with nets that could be folded to make them. Preview