4 Hands of a clock II 1 Keywords: analogue timeanglesproblem solving Students identify the time on a clock face when given the angle that the hands make and the position of the minute hand. Preview
2 Show the time III 0 Keywords: analogue timehoursminutes Students read an analogue clock face and draw some times onto other clock faces. Preview
4 Cross country finishing times 2 Keywords: additionanalogue timehoursminutesseconds Students work out how long a race took given the starting and finishing time. Answers are split into hours, minutes and seconds. Preview
3 Walking to work 2 Keywords: analogue time Students show given times on an analogue clock, and answer a question about difference in time. Preview
2 Show the time II 1 Keywords: analogue timehoursminutes Students read analogue clock faces, and carry out time calculations drawing the results onto other clock faces. Preview
3 A farmer's day 2 Keywords: analogue timedigital timetime Students show times written in words on both analogue and digital clocks. Preview
3 Working with time 1 Keywords: analogue timedigital time Students show, interpret, and do calculations on times in both analogue and digital forms. Preview
2 Luka's day 4 Keywords: analogue timedigital timehoursminutes Students draw times onto analogue clock faces and interpret analogue times. Preview
2 Using clock faces 5 Keywords: analogue timedigital timehoursminutes Students carry out time calculations and show digital times on analogue clock faces. Preview
2 Show the time 0 Keywords: additionanalogue timehoursminutes Students carry out time calculations, showing some responses on analogue clock faces, and interpret an analogue time. Preview
3 Writing time differently 5 Keywords: analogue timedigital time Students record the times shown on analogue clock faces in words and as digital times. Preview
3 Analogue and digital time 4 Keywords: analogue timedigital time Students convert times between analogue and digital forms. Preview
4 Work schedule 3 Keywords: 24-hour timeadditionanalogue timesubtractiontable interpretationtime Students interpret a work schedule to answer questions about starting, finishing, and the total number of hours worked. Preview
3 How long was that? 1 Keywords: analogue timehoursminutestime Students calculate the time taken for bus travel and zoo feeding times based on analogue clocks showing start and finish times. Preview
4 Starting and finishing 2 Keywords: 24-hour timeanalogue timedigital time Students work out starting and finishing times, and how long events take. Preview
3 Work, work, work 3 Keywords: analogue timetime Students calculate a finishing time from a given time, and show the analogue times for a range of activities. Preview
3 Analogue and digital clocks 6 Keywords: analogue timedigital time Students show a range of times on analogue and digital clocks. Preview
2 Aroha's day 6 Keywords: analogue timehoursminutestimetime lines Students construct a time line by selecting the best analogue time for a range of common daily activities. Preview
2 The right time 6 Keywords: analogue timehoursminutestime Students decide whether the times written in words under analogue clocks are correct. Preview