4 The school bike racks 6 Keywords: audiencefluencyorganisationreportssentence structurestructure and language Students write a report which gives details about a problem, gives reasons for the problem, and suggests how it might be fixed. Preview
5 Using pronouns 1 Keywords: audiencepronounsspeech Students read a speech extract and decide whether selected pronouns either include or exclude the audience. Preview
4 Don't miss the show! 3 Keywords: audiencecomprehensioninformation skillspress releaseretrieve From a school newspaper interview about a school production, students complete a retrieval chart for a press release. The assessment focus is on identifying key information. Preview
4 Road safety 2 Keywords: audiencecomprehensioninformation skillslayoutpamphlet Students interpret a series of road safety drawings with questions on visual cues, titles, emphasis and providing appropriate text. Preview
24 Skippy Cornflakes 0 Keywords: audienceillustrationlayoutnempstatic image For this NEMP task students look at a cornflakes package, and answer questions about the information shown. Preview
4 Taniwha messages 11 Keywords: analysisaudiencecomprehensionlegendmessagepurposesynthesistaniwhathink critically This resource assesses students' ability to analyse text to identify and find evidence of the author's message and audience. Preview