3 Dividing with remainder 2 Keywords: divisibilitydivisionremainders Students answer four multiple choice questions identifying which three-digit number can be divided by a one-digit number to get a given remainder. Preview
3 No remainder 1 Keywords: divisibilitydivisionremainders Students select which four-digit numbers can be divided by a one-digit number without a remainder. Preview
4 What number am I? 2 Keywords: divisibilitydivisionfactorsmultiples Students identify numbers using clues which give the range within which each number falls and two factors with their remainder. Preview
3 Counting sheep 1 Keywords: arithmetic operationsdivisibilitydivisionmultiplication Students multiply two numbers, then divide the total by 3 and by 6. Preview
2 Odd or even animals 1 Keywords: divisibilityeven numbersodd numbers Students count the number of letters in 7 different animal names and decide if the number is odd or even. Preview
3 Dividing by three and five 3 Keywords: divisibilitydivisionfactorsmultiples Students identify multiples of 5 and of 3, and explain their reasoning. Preview
2 Colouring odd and even numbers 4 Keywords: divisibilityeven numbersodd numbers Students identify odd and even numbers by colouring them different colours. Preview
5 Divisibility by three and nine 1 Keywords: basic factsdivisibilityfactors Students identify and give rules for when numbers are divisible by three or by nine. Preview
2 Odd or even numbers 1 Keywords: divisibilityeven numbersodd numbers Students identify odd and even numbers from a series of numbers and from a word problem. They then explain how to identify an odd number. Preview
4 Dividing into smaller groups 0 Keywords: divisibilityfactorsprime numbers Students identify prime numbers from a series of group sizes and list all the factors of 36. Preview
2 Odd and even numbers 2 Keywords: divisibilityeven numbersodd numbers Students identify even and odd numbers from given lists. Preview
4 Dividing by four and six 9 Keywords: divisibilitydivisionfactorsmultiples Students identify multiples of 4 and of 6, and explain their reasoning. Preview