2 Greater or less than 0 Keywords: greater thanless thanmapping diagramsrelationships Students complete number relationships using 'is greater than' and 'is less than'. Preview
2 Taller or shorter? 0 Keywords: greater thanless thanmapping diagrams Students interpret a relationship diagram about the relative heights of four children. Preview
2 Comparing measures on a scale 1 Keywords: equal togreater thanless thanlinear scalesreading scales Students read pairs of measurements on linear scales and identify which are greater than, less than, or equal to. Preview
4 Number sentences IV 0 Keywords: equal toequationsgreater thanless thannemp Students complete inequations by identifying the number or symbol needed to make the expression correct. Preview
2 Older or younger? 0 Keywords: greater thanless thanmapping diagrams Students interpret and answer questions about a relationship diagram that shows which of four children are older than each other. Preview
2 Creating number sentences 3 Keywords: equal togreater thanless thannemp For this NEMP task students use cards with numbers and operations on them to create number sentences. Preview
2 Older or younger? II 1 Keywords: equal togreater thanless than Students select the correct symbol (greater then, equal to, less than) to complete statements about the ages of some children. Preview
2 Matching equations 2 Keywords: equal toequalitygreater thanless than Students decide whether pairs of number expressions are equal to, less than, or greater than each other. Preview
2 Greater than, less than, or equal number sentences 2 Keywords: equal toequalitygreater thanless than Students select the correct symbol or the correct number to make number sentences true. Preview
2 Bear's picnic 1 Keywords: equal togreater thanless than Students select from 'less than', 'equal to', and 'greater than' to complete word equations about food amounts. Preview
2 Erena's lollies 1 Keywords: equal togreater thanless than Students select the correct symbol (greater than, equal to, less than) to complete statements about the number of lollies in a bag. Preview