5 Life or death 3 Keywords: contrastillustrationlogospostertarget audience Students look at a poster and make interpretations of the relationship between the image and the text. Preview
3 Describing logos 1 Keywords: fontlogosmain idea Students interpret seven business logos that are each presented with a single short written response question about a design feature. Preview
3 Business logos 1 Keywords: interpretationlogos Students interpret five business logos and write a brief statement describing the likely nature of the business. Preview
5 Kaikoura 3 Keywords: advertisementlanguage featureslayoutlogosphotograph A tourist advertisement for the Kaikoura coast has students being assessed on their understanding of alliteration, fonts, logos, and photo images. Preview
5 Water safety II 3 Keywords: advertisementcamera anglelogospostertarget audience Students look at a water safety poster and answer questions relating to the posters construction. Preview