2 T-Shirt numbers 3 Keywords: place valuewhole numbers This task requires students to write numbers onto runners' T-shirts given the words, then write in words the numbers on T-shirts. Preview
4 Country populations 1 Keywords: decimalsplace valuetotal valuewhole numbers Students convert decimal millions to whole numbers and whole numbers to decimal millions. Preview
3 Different sized groups 10 Keywords: place valuetotal valuewhole numbers Students solve word problems which require division by 10, 100 or 1000. Preview
2 Bags for sale 1 Keywords: moneyordering numbersplace valuetotal valuewhole numbers Students demonstrate their understanding of place value by identifying smallest and largest 3-digit money values, and by calculating the number of 10s in given amounts. Preview
2 Adding to ten 2 Keywords: additionplace valuetidy numberswhole numbers Students find and write the numbers to complete simple equations that add to 10. Preview
2 Sports day points 1 Keywords: ordering numbersplace valuewhole numbers Students order three digit scores from a sports day, and identify those scores over a certain number. Preview
12 Ten and Twenty 7 Keywords: additionplace valuetidy numberswhole numbers Students find and write the numbers to complete equations that add to 10 or 20. Preview