3 Necklace patterns 1 Keywords: functional rulesrepeating patterns Students use coloured beads to explore and continue a spatial pattern. They then describe the pattern. Preview
23 Missing numbers II 4 Keywords: number patternsrecursive rules Students find missing numbers to complete addition, subtraction and multiplication number patterns. Preview
5 Christmas turkey 0 Keywords: functional ruleslinear equationsnumber patterns Students interpret a table that describes the relationship between turkey size and cooking time, and show how they would extrapolate from it. Students also give a general rule for the relationship in words and as an equation. Preview
2 Machine rules 3 Keywords: additionfunctional rulesnumber machinesnumber patternsrules Students use rules to find numbers and use given numbers to work out rules shown on number machines. Preview
3 Machines with rules 2 Keywords: additionfunctional rulesmultiplicationnumber machinesnumber patterns Students use given numbers to work out rules. Preview
3 Classifying fruit 3 Keywords: classificationfruitobservationseeds Task: Look for similarities and differences in fruit to answer questions about observation and evidence. Preview
3 Shapes that tessellate 2 Keywords: shape propertiestessellations Students sort different shapes into tessellating and not tessellating categories and explain their reasoning. Preview