Sea creature

Sea creature

Pencil and paperOnline interactive
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This task is about listening and recalling information.
Listen to the description of the strange sea creature and draw it in the box provided.
You can start the drawing as soon as you hear the details.

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Task administration: 
This task can be completed with pencil and paper or online.
  • This is a listening task in which students listen to a description and recall details through drawing.
  • An audio recording of the description is provided below.
  • If completing the task with pencil and paper, students need a copy of the template provided.
  • If completing the task with pencil and paper, pause the audio after each feature to allow students time to draw.
  • This assessment could be used to identify those students who have difficulty in listening to and following instructions, or to monitor progress in this skill.
See Drawing and labelling to complete ARB tasks for more information about online drawing tasks.
Pause the audio as required to give your students time to draw the relevant feature.


Some sailors who have returned from a long voyage report having seen a strange creature they called 'Igor' bobbing on the ocean.

The sailors need a picture of Igor for an article about their trip.

Listen to the description. You will need to work on your drawing as it is read to you. There will be a pause after each sentence to give you time to draw.

  • Igor is about the size and shape of a softball, with three large eyes half-way up his body.
  • The middle eye has two eyeballs.
  • His nose, which is below his middle eye, looks like a small box with an X in it.
  • He has two antennae coming from the top of his head.
  • He has two giant ears in line with his eyes.
  • 'Igor' has curly hair from ear to ear.
  • He has a smiling mouth with four sharp teeth below his nose.
  • Igor has big bushy eyebrows that wiggle up and down to confuse his enemies.
  • Below his body he has two short stumpy legs with duck-like feet that each have three webbed toes for swimming.
Curriculum info: 
Description of task: 
Students draw a strange sea creature from an oral description. The assessment focus is on listening to descriptions, recalling details, and following instructions.
  • Round shape with 3 large eyes (2 ideas)
    [Both needed for mark].
  • Middle eye with 2 eyeballs.
  • Box-like nose with an X.
  • Two antennae coming out of the top of head.
  • Giant ears in line with eyes.
  • Curly hair from ear to ear.
  • Smiling mouth with 4 sharp teeth (2 ideas)
    [Both needed for mark].
  • Bushy eyebrows.
  • Short stumpy legs with two feet with 3 webbed toes (3 ideas)
    [All needed for mark].