Proofreading your writing - Learning intention guide

How to use this resource:
This resource is designed so teachers can select the writing criteria they want to use for the focus of the assessment. After selecting the criteria, and whether to have a teacher's or a student's guide, single click the to construct an assessment guide appropriate to the needs of the individual students, the groups, or the class.

Information for teachers:

  • This assessment guide could also be used with teacher-developed assessment resources.
  • This assessment guide could be used for either self- or peer-assessment  purposes, or a combination of both.
  • The guide from which the teacher selects the writing criteria to be assessed, has more examples than the student's one. The fuller one is for teachers to use as a model to scaffold students' learning. The whole guide could be enlarged as a chart for sharing, and/or for working up other examples in other contexts.
  • The student's guide only has examples for each language feature.
  • Students should be familiar with how to self- and/or peer-assess before using this guide, and with the features of a report.
  • Ideally, the assessment would be followed-up with a teacher conference.
  • The 'next time' section of the assessment guide is for students to set their next goals. This section could be glued into the student's work book as a record.
  • When explaining to students how to complete the assessment task, teachers could include the following points:
  1. Use the assessment guide to help you plan and write your report.
  2. Write your report.
  3. When you have finished use the guide to assess and reflect on your writing.
Please select the criteria to match your students' learning needs.

Proofreading your writing - Learning intention guide (WL2637)

1 "Don't know" spelling words are underlined,

e.g.,  tomorow

2 Underlined words are corrected,

e.g.,  lightning

3 Sentences begin with capital letters and end with full stops.
4 Capital letters are used for the important words in the title,


5 Capital letters are used for proper nouns,


6 Commas are used for lists,

e.g.,  I made myself a sandwich with ham, tomato, lettuce, and cheese for lunch yesterday.

7 Commas are used to show the reader when to pause,

e.g.,  I left my bag, which I got for my birthday, on the bus.

8 Speech marks are put around the spoken words and a comma is used to separate the spoken words from the non-spoken words,

e.g.,  "Go home, Sam," called Alison. "Dad is looking for you."

9 Each speaker's words start on a new line,

e.g.,  "What did you do after school yesterday?" asked Joe.
"I went to my piano lesson," replied Karen, "and for a swim."

10 Apostrophes are used where letters are left out of words,

e.g.,  The children couldn't reach the apples on the higher branches of the tree.

11 Apostrophes are used where something belongs to someone,

e.g.,  I wanted a ball just like Billy's new soccer ball.

12 Question marks are used at the end of questions,

e.g.,  Can you help me?

13 The tense is the same all through the writing,


14 Each sentence makes sense and there are no words missed out,

e.g.,  We raced along beach towards the sand dunes.


Peer                       Self


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