All about myself

- use basic punctuation that is mostly correct, including punctuation of dialogue
Y4 (09/2000) |
All names of people have capital letters. There is one omission of a capital for a name. |
2 correct -moderate 1 correct -very easy |
The birthday month has a capital letter. |
easy |
All parts of the street name have capital letters, e.g., "Fitzroy Street" or "RD 12." There is 1 error in the use of capitals in the street name, e.g., "Fitzroy street" or "Rd 12." |
2 correct -difficult 1 correct -moderate |
The name of the city or town has a capital letter. |
easy |
All parts of the school name have capitals, e.g., "Thorrington School." There is 1 error in the use of capitals in the school name, e.g., "Thorrington school." |
2 correct -moderate 1 correct -very easy |
The title of the book or film has all capitalletters that are needed, e.g., "The Lord of theRings." There is 1 error in the use of capitals in the title. |
2 correct -difficult 1 correct -moderate |